3 days left..
Alhamdolillah in the past week Ive managed to accomplish alot that had been on my agenda for a while. Not sure if it's nayma's presence or procrastination from examination studies, eitherway, it's a huge load off my shoulder (and to-do list) for sure. Imo and I've also done some changes around the apartment that I'm absolutely thrilled about, but I'll contain my excitement as an attempt of enticement towards getting you guys to come and visit us:P
On the college front, this has been an extremely excruciating semester so far. Apart from 100's of networking groups that I've joined, I've also enlisted myself with the social change committee at college and have been constantly attempting to do research to promote the inclusion of muslim women's needs in social policy changes. (I've also been working on this for muslims in general at a personal level for the last month and half). I'll be submitting my first proposal tommorow inshaAllah, please pray all goes well inshaAllah. If it goes well, I will have to submit a grant proposal which would allow me to recieve grants from various organisations to fund for environmental scans that would analyze and report the needs and concerns of muslim women living in North America inshaAllah. I am absolutely thrilled about it alhamdolillah. It's crazy but I'm absolutely passionate about it and can't wait for it to materialize inshaAllah.
Tommorow is also the official start of my midterms for the next two weeks. CRAZY craziness. Not that I really needed another chip on my shoulder to worry about!
I've also been updating Eesa's blog rather religiously (five times a month ;) ) lately. So the sense of accomplishment is soaring high. lol. We went over to imran's parents' place today and decided to paint her bathroom. I was telling imran how nothing makes me happier than painting. The self satisfaction is amazing. I love it.
Oh. Amidst all the chaos around me, we managed to pull together a last-moment date today. Throw in a little retail therapy, some jamoca almond fudge from baskin robins and some more window shopping - and you have yourselves a very happy sheza =). It's amazing how a day at the mall can be so uplifting for me. I suppose it's like people who need to watch the news to know what's going around the world. I NEED to go to the mall to see what's going on with the 'unadvertised' sales. lol. And i feel even happier if I come home with a great deal. Here's my fave: BombayKids: Free standing wooden initial 'I' for imran's desk at work: A BUCK! I literally rubbed my eyes when I saw the price. I'd been eyeing it since it was $25!
And the best news for last. 3 days till baba and mama arrive inshaAllah. It feels surreal. For the past few weeks, I was really missing family alot and I can't believe its happening. SubhanAllah.
Anyway, I should really return to my paper on 'women and migration' now. Aaah, I'm having a serious writer's block (yes, sheza we just spent the last 5 minutes reading you excruciatingly boring, all over the place blog entry, trust us, we KNOW!).
Just as a forethought, why can't professors just give us essays? what's with this new obsession with "papers"?
At 2:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
best of luck for the exams or whatever. may Allah make everything easy for you.
At 2:00 PM,
@}--}-- *Ayesha* --{--{@ said…
hahahaha, you are soo funny
At 5:11 PM,
Unknown said…
update woman!
At 1:11 PM,
Umm Belaal said…
you've got dust bunnies collecting on this blog
At 5:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
i agree..
im part of ur world these days but i still luv readin abt it...
its funny...
u know liek readin sum1 elses interpretation of the same event...
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