Life is Yummy Good

V(e)ntage of an aspiring woman and wife. The mother in me speaks on Eesa's blog. The activist, feminist and student in me speaks at Unshackled. This is the blog where I put all the different facets of my life together; to realize and appreciate God, Marriage, Relationships, Love and Life.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Naymee... I miss you already...

Dearest Nayma,

How three weeks have gone by, I can't even imagine. It's been fun since you've been here. We're upto our usual goofiness. We argue, we hug, we pick on each other, we laugh with each other, and then Imran and I laugh at you. LOL!!!! j/k Having you here makes me miss home so much these days.

(Funny how I still call my parent's place, my home. Growing up we were always on the move across the globe. Over the last 15-20 years, we've never stayed in one home for more than 2 or 3 years. But even then, when I visited India this year... my parent's place felt so much at home. I'd never been there before - materialistically, nothing was mine. It wasn't my room, or a bed that I'd ever slept in nor a kitchen I'd ever stepped into. but even so, everything felt so.. mine! The lifestyle was mine, the feelings were mine, the food was mine and above everything else, the people were mine... aah!)

Anyhow, my lil indian sister (oh I know how you love to be called that!!!) you're leaving come wednesday. man I'm gonna miss you.

So naymzee, here's one for you:

"nuhmah!! don't goooooooooo!!!!" lol

lol! haha! made you happy didn't i? I was lying, don't really want you to stay! just wanted to save myself the hassle of finding a babysitter! LOL! :P:P

muahahaha!!! lol!!! 'Just Kidding' quote unquote you!

Love, Shezii!


  • At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i know how you feel. my parents moved after i got married but when i go back it feels like my home. at first i was sad cuz i thought it wouldnt feel like home cuz i didnt have a room there and never lived there. but ive happily claimed the guest room as 'my room' which my bro always challenges.

    ooh...can u send me the eid pix btw. all the ones with z, b or m in there. jazaks!

  • At 4:22 AM, Blogger Shezalldat said…

    lol@maryam. i claimed nayma's room as mine.. i didnt care much abt the guest room. lol. yup@pix, remind me at night, they're on imo's latpop.

    neena.. i didnt publish ur comment to save her embarassment, but im almost 9 years older than her. haha.

  • At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alhamdulillah - you and she look so happy! i still remember when i first saw her - she was sooooo young. *shocked* she's turned into such a beautiful young woman. And i know what you mean about your parents home always being your home - i'm constantly talking about 'back home' with jose - its amazing to have 'two homes'.

  • At 12:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    jeez thanks for mentionin that! u jus hinted it out to evryone what that was if ne1 has even a lil bit of brains
    i fi am u r too
    were siblings!

  • At 11:37 PM, Blogger @}--}-- *Ayesha* --{--{@ said…

    hahaha yeah mommies home is always home, i barely call Niagara Falls apt home :D
    haha naymie you are indian, and shezzis not cause you live in INDIA, shezzis Canadian cause she lives here - you forsaked us cdns!!


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