Life is Yummy Good

V(e)ntage of an aspiring woman and wife. The mother in me speaks on Eesa's blog. The activist, feminist and student in me speaks at Unshackled. This is the blog where I put all the different facets of my life together; to realize and appreciate God, Marriage, Relationships, Love and Life.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Random ramblings...

Ok so I'm back in TO. Had an amazing welcome from Imran who spick and spanned up our place and did alot of minor changes.

Our apartment has had an overhaul. Imran put up our new curtains... bright and daringly orange along with blue. We bought the blue ones for the living room and orange for eesa's, but now love em together. He re-did the front enterance tiling and turned our store room into an office for me by allowing electrical access by pulling in wires from the washroom next door. He's added rods into our closet and made it more space efficient.

ever since i've come back, we've been in massive cleaning phase. i pulled out all the caulk in the washroom around the walls, toilet and tub and filled it with some newer and brighter white caulk. for those in pak, we've got major power struggles with mildew in our washrooms here. and over the years, all the caulk turns brownish grey coz of mildew and loooks dirty regardless of how much you scrub it. we dropped by Canadian Tire, so i picked up some caulk refill and attacked the washroom. nayma (my youngest sis) helped by painting the walls. i LOVE the new, brighter and cleaner look.

while i was in pak, someone got me these really cute spirally shower curtain hooks. i asked HB to get me two more packs fo those(gonna use those for curtains in the bedroom later on). i put those up with bright green shower curtains in our washroom. they look FABliscious. i got a pale green watering can(lota) from ikea, along with the green saxan rug and orange curvy vases and orange towels to gift the washroom a bright uplift. (can u tell im going orange crazy?)

apart from all that and the unpacking and all the other million and one things, i've started school again. totally loving it. i'll be starting a new blog about my feminism aspect of things from school... should get it roolling soon enough inshaAllah.

nehoo! me gone!


  • At 8:04 PM, Blogger Umm Belaal said…

    hey...i helped too!

  • At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey! eesa helped too! he painted parts of the door n the tub!


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