Life is Yummy Good

V(e)ntage of an aspiring woman and wife. The mother in me speaks on Eesa's blog. The activist, feminist and student in me speaks at Unshackled. This is the blog where I put all the different facets of my life together; to realize and appreciate God, Marriage, Relationships, Love and Life.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

pak.. riching it!

Over the course of the last few days, Ive been contemplating what the cause behind the current situation in pak might be. A nation, blessed with the wealth of islam, built in the name of islam, dignified with musoleums of many well respected and well educated scholars, nuclear powered, picturisque in the northern areas, enriched with great men like Iqbal and Abdul Qader; its a pity that this nation is struggling in such a miserable state.

To eradicate the problem, we need to find the cause in Pakistan's situation. what is the cause behind the the poverty, the corruption, the beauraucracy etc prevailing so rampantly in pak? Is it us the so-called 'educated' class? Is it the law and policy making politicians? Is it the lack of education - islamic and otherwise?

yest, I was reading the Review dated March 10th. all the articles were pertaining to women's day (mar 8th... me bday!!=) is it a wonder y im such a feminist??) but one truly struck out to me. there were approx four articles.. but the stories mentioned in this one.. HURT! I couldnt sleep all night. the miseries of this ONE woman, hurt me to the point where i felt numb. Thats just me. I dont even live here. How could an entire nation be so numb to humanity? How can an entire nation be this silent to such barbaric activities?

what can change this situation? education? whom do we educate? where do we begin? Like we said in grade one.. its easy to talk the talk, can you walk the walk? everyone here has the talk.. but rarely do they walk!

I've been brainstorming a few ideas since last night.. soon to follow up!


  • At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You've missed the only Nobel Prize Winner Pakistani Dr. Abdus Salam. Ironically since he belong to the Ahmadi Jamaat, he never given the respect which he deserved. He is a Pakistani what if he belong to different sect like our Quaid.

    You are right lack of education and democratic (accountable) goverment are two necessary factors for the advancement for any nation.

  • At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Here is teh link for Dr. Abdus Salam at Nobel Prize Site. He is a Pakistani and I am proud of it and wants every Pakistani kid to know that this is our limit.


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