I love karachi. As a city, its marvellous. It's a shopper's haven. A photographers kaleidoscope. A granddaughter's journey towards weaving together memories thread by thread -- reviving my childhood.
As i spend endless slepless nights in cozy blankets being hysterical with cousins, i wish this time could last and last. I'm re-living my pre-marital days. Sleeping in my mums bed (she gave me a short 4 day visit from india this past weekend). Being pampered by grandmas. Being nagged at for not eating well or not sleeping enough - something i HATED back then. Today this nagging reminds me of the presence of people who care about me.
One thing that really bothers me here though, is the oppression of women. At every level. I love the way the new generation is springing out of the claws of this oppression. Although the new generation in poorer areas is still marred by this oppression.
I cant help but notice the 22 million rupee fountain which could have easily fed 22 thousand homes - if not more for a month! If i travel even 2 kms out of defense, i cant help but notice the slums and the shabbily built homes. I see men riding bicycles and mercedes side by side on the same road. The amount i spent in one day is the equivalent of two of my grandma's maid's entire month's worth of salary. Who knows where the funds from the President's Relief fund actually went to.
The society needs a change from a more basic level. Every other house seems to be a school. Lacking the properoverall requirements of an individual, schools seem to be lading the child's mind with just textbooks - giving days off for cricket matches and calling them back on weekends to cover on missed time. Dare i mention the concept of family time.
I'm enjoying myself soo much - yet so much bothers me! *grr*