Life is Yummy Good

V(e)ntage of an aspiring woman and wife. The mother in me speaks on Eesa's blog. The activist, feminist and student in me speaks at Unshackled. This is the blog where I put all the different facets of my life together; to realize and appreciate God, Marriage, Relationships, Love and Life.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Sometimes, I can't help but notice the orange and greens crying out to me.

(I had alot of time on my hands on Friday night since Eesa was staying over at Daadi's place. So I cooked up 5lbs of qeema with taco seasoning and veggies to be used in weekdays lunches, quesadilla, burritos, pasta, lasagne etc. The colours looked soooo vibrant, couldnt help but try and capture them! If youc an't view the picture, try re-routing through )


  • At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lol.. copy cat.. u wanna be like me taking pics of what u cooked eh? ;) .. lol, love ya!

  • At 9:26 AM, Blogger cheesoo said…

    is that CORELLE in the background? LOL.. i use the same frozen packed mixed veggies too.... add a little methi, rai & zeera to oil, fry veggies, add aloo, some tomato(paste or diced), salt haldi and red chilli and let cook.. yummy chilli vegetable curry ready in 10 minutes

  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger Shezalldat said…

    lol@aasi... its not the fooood i'm showing. it's the colours!!!!!

    cheesoo... thats a corelle owner talking! once u get addicted, u can't help but notice corelle everywhere u go!! those are my burner covers... got them off i wish my pattern had more stuff:(

  • At 2:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    weirdo is riiiiiiiight

  • At 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah totally wierdo!!

  • At 2:33 PM, Blogger M K Abbas said…

    have u ever noticed how puke always has carrot floaties too - wether you eat carrots or not - its always in there!! :D


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