Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
Dedicated to Insiya Syed!...
anyway heres a pic insi found to describe them!\SKH040\SKH040t.jpg
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
1. Three yrs into my marriage, I still feel newly married
2. Living on your own after living with in laws is like reviving your honeymoon period (just with kids this time around!)
3. Sometimes an argument is healthy - patching up makes it all the more worthwhile!
4. Sorrows are Allah's way of reminding us to be grateful of the great joys that we often tend to neglect.
5. Sometimes giving a little bit of love can reap buckets full of love in return. - this applies to inlaws as well!
6. Compromises aren't always sacrifices
7. Past arguments cant help but challenge your sanity - key word: FORGET!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Studying part time has its cons. I have to cover the course material of the entire week on my own and attend classes just to get guidance from my professors - who more often than not just reiterate textbook words in glossier vocabulary and call it a lecture.
Studying with a baby is tougher. I barely get time to concentrate and study effectively.
With the exams this week, I've given up trying to juggle home hubby baby business and school. I've left it all on Ms Fister and her grade 5 lessons on osmosis.
i'm simply sleeping with my textbooks under my pillow and hoping for the miracle of osmosis to take place while i sleep! =)