2006 - things i want to do!
1. Learn to ski
2. Get my driver's lisence sorted out
3. Volunteer more
4. take a guided tour of toronto
5. be more giving and forgiving
6. half full not half empty - re-align my perspective positively!
7. Go tobagganing
8. learn how to make a 5 course meal and invite friends/family over to enjoy it with them!
9. Re-read my enid blyton favorites... needless to say finish famous five first!
10. Adopt a pet
11. Wasaga beach.
12. Flowers.
13. learn how to change a tire
14. donate blood
15. Find time to sort out inner emotions and somehow squeeze in forgiveness for 'S' and 'J'
16. Hang out on our balcony - who knows if we'd be living in an aptmt next yr!
17 . Play board games with family and friends
18. Go Curling
19. Don't go to wonderland - RESIST!:P
20. Go bowling
21. have more sleepovers! hehe
22. Apologize
23. Get reaquainted with my side of the family - relatives i miss out on!
24. Fundraise for ARISE! =)
25. Do hajj
26. dont hold ur piss for longer than neccessary! lol. (LONG story)
27. picnic at lakeshore - blanket, rugs, books and all!